Cancer Cell Assays

Our services: cell cancer assays

At our Inaphaea labs in MediCity, Nottingham we provide a comprehensive range of validated assays such as cell cancer assays or can provide assay development and validation for your bespoke assay as part of your project proposal.

Cell-based assays play a crucial role in drug development and so at Inaphaea, we design the most relevant cell-based assay to assess the efficacy of a drug candidate by testing the mode of action and biological target. We use a comprehensive range of cancer cell assays to analyse the cell metabolism, cell death, cell count or apoptosis in cell lines.

Assays we routinely run include cell metabolism, Cytotoxicity and apoptosis assays, Chequerboard assays and many more.

Our overall service delivery process focuses on direct-to-scientist communication as we aim to make interaction easy from the outset of the project through to completion and act as an extension of your team. Once the experiment is complete, our scientists can discuss the data as required and provide recommendations for the next steps.

Contact our lab team to find out more about our cancer cell assay services here.